Digital Imaging

  1. class: Digital Imaging
  2. term: 1st semester
  3. description:
  4. In this beginning class that is open to all students, art/design majors and non-majors alike, the students are introduced to basic art and design concepts, such as point/line/plane/color/repetition/etc. in a digital environment through a variety of assignments, theoretical, conceptual, and practical. Each week, a new design topic is introduced alongside various fundamental digital and technical concepts. I encourage the students to make use of common and everyday digital tools that they already possess such as their cell phones, as well as professional software packages such as Adobe.
  5. In one of the hands-on practical assignments, each student is required to explore the issues discussed and investigated throughout the class together with Adobe InDesign in the composition of an accordion type fold-out booklet. They are required to take photos with their telephones that demonstrate at least two design elements previously discussed in class as well as the use of color.
(click on images to view active websites)
E. Cruz

E. Cruz, 2018

H. Hassan

H. Hassan, 2018

J. Marroquin

J. Marroquin, 2018

M. Kieler

M. Kieler, 2018

G. Brocksmith

G. Brocksmith, 2018

A. Jacobs

A. Jacobs, 2018